Ukrainian bureaucracy

Despite the war, the modern Ukrainian bureaucracy continues to demonstrate vivid examples of stunning contradictions in its activities! Officials force citizens to take actions that they themselves later reject! The Lubny City Council website has a public information request form:…/oformlennia-informatsiinoho… The form states that the request is addressed to the mayor of Lubny, Oleksandr Hrytsaienko. However, when submitting this request (using the form posted on the website), the dear Mr. Mayor provides the following response: “although the mayor is part of the local government system, he is not a local government body… and therefore does not possess public information and… cannot be its manager… we refuse to satisfy your request.” Why, then, does he force citizens to address him with these requests?!!! This is not the only case of internal contradictions in the activities of Ukrainian bureaucrats in the field of providing access to public information. But today it is certainly the most interesting example of the thinking of overly creative officials that we know. Such interesting examples can be found during the monitoring of the project “Promoting Participatory Governance in Eastern Ukraine”, which is being implemented with the financial support of NED.