новини волонтерської організації Станція Харків

Day: April 25, 2024

  • Successful experience in disseminating modern participatory democracy technologies in eastern Ukraine
    Successful experience in disseminating modern participatory democracy technologies in eastern Ukraine

    On April 18, Kharkiv hosted the final reporting conference “Successful experience in disseminating modern participatory democracy technologies in eastern Ukraine” based on the results of the two-year project “Promoting Participatory Governance in Eastern Ukraine” implemented by the NGO “Volunteer Initiative ‘Kharkiv Station’ with the support of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).The conference participants shared their achievements, which were made possible by the financial support of their projects.In total, over the past 2 years, our organization has provided financial support for the implementation of mini-grants to 17 civil society organizations. The main activities include the following:Monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of public participation tools available to communities in Poltava, Sumy, Donetsk, and Kharkiv regions.Conducting trainings and roundtables involving the public, where the organizers shared the results of their research and raised awareness of citizens about the opportunities to participate in decision-making in their communities.Strengthening youth activism towards participation in the public life of their regions through informal training, online testing, and involvement of young people in the development of proposals for the restoration and development of their communities.Developing and implementing socially useful online services for local community residents that increased the level of communication between local authorities and the public.During the conference, participants presented their work and shared successful experiences and ways to overcome difficulties encountered during project implementation and sincerely rejoiced in the success of their colleagues.During the implementation of the two-year project, we managed to create a communication platform for cooperation and friendly communication between more than 40 civil society organizations.

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